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Assassins Creed Odyssey finding the Legendary Chest Location with the Pilgrims Hood armor inside. Caters to assassins that use daggers with the NYX Ability. Only when you have the entire pilgrim set will you be able to use the set bonus.

Pilgrims Hood – Legendary Armor

A Pilgrim does not need to hide from the gods, but this hood will help you stay safe in your travels.

  • Weapon Features:
    • – 11% Assassin Damage
    • – 9% Damage with Daggers
    • -40% Adrenaline Consumed by Shadow Of Nyx Ability

Legendary Chest Location

This legendary chest is located in the ATTIKA region inside the Sacred Plain Of Demeter city. This chest is positioned in the center of a temple surrounded by guards. Either sneak by them if you are low level or Assassinate them before looting.